Lokrum Island

A small island washed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea is a dream of many tourists. Many would like to spend a holiday here, relax on the golden sand of the beach and get a lot of unforgettable impressions. It is not for nothing that the natives speaking about the island call it magical. Velvet greenery surrounded by emerald sea leaves indelible impressions. Next to the island is the town of Dubrovnik, from the pier of which a boat leaves every hour. The island is a magnificent natural attraction of Croatia.
Being a National Reserve, the island does not boast a developed infrastructure with hotels, restaurants and shops. Here you will find only one small café, but this does not detract from the pristine beauty of nature and unforgettable impressions of the marvellous island with the eleventh-century Benedictine Monastery.
Built in honour of salvation from an ancient fire, the monastery lived a peaceful life until the nineteenth century, when it was captured by the French. The French decided to raze the shrine to the ground and erect Fort Royal in its place. The servants accepted the decision as they were commanded to do, but cursed all the people who would ever live on the island. The monks left the island secretly at night, and the three Frenchmen, nobles who had taken a direct part in their expulsion, died one after another.
All who ever acquired the island never got to live on it. Some were ruined, some were killed, but none were ever happy.
The local population still believes that the candle wax that dripped on the ground when the monks cursed the French, fulfils their will. Only visitors who come here to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature have a great time here.

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