In Portugal, anti-coronavirus restrictions have been lifted. Travelers do not fill out a form when crossing the border. In the state the wearing of a mask was canceled due to the improvement of the situation after the immunization of the country’s population and the arrival of warm, sunny weather, when the number of all diseases caused by viruses decreases.

The situation with restrictions is the same in the Spanish state. After two years of wearing masks, it is finally possible to remove them without breaking the rules. Now you can be without a mask in public places, hotels, restaurants and cafes. The mandatory wearing of a mask remained only in medical institutions, pharmacies and transport.

Portugal is lost between Spain and Italy, as a result of the country is much less influx of travelers, and thus have the opportunity to relax with more comfort and cheaper. Lovers of beach holidays is better to come to the country when the water is like fresh milk – in August and September.
Especially beautiful nature at the resorts in the southern province of Portugal – the Algarve, a zone of nature reserves and beautiful flamingos living in the wild. In comfortable hotels created all conditions for a pleasant stay, there are golf, diving, water parks, shows with sea animals, snow-white yachts, exotic caves, interesting excursion programs and delicious food.
