From time to time, customs officers in all countries have to deal with violations of the carriage and declaration of luggage by travellers. Just the other day, during the inspection of customs officers at Chicago O’Hare Airport, the suitcases of two citizens returning home from a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo caught the interest of customs officers. Upon opening the suitcase, the border guards were surprised to find – a complete goat digestive system.
According to the Express newspaper, the offenders were trying to bring into the country about seven kilos of raw goat liver: trachea, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, the entire digestive system. It was also found: about half a kilogram of meat of an unknown animal and a kilogram of African aubergines, which are also called “garden eggs”.
Customs officials issued an appeal to their compatriots: “These items could pose a real danger to agriculture and natural resources if they come to us in the States. It is important that all travellers entering or returning to the United States be honest and declare all items they bring with them. Even if one such item makes it into the territory, it could have dangerous environmental or economic consequences.” Travellers who violated the rules had to say goodbye not only to the contents of their luggage, but also to the suitcase itself, which was seized and destroyed to prevent the introduction of possible animal diseases and plant pests into the US.